Db hits difference when using labeled entity vs. not labeled entity selection inside pattern comprehension string

Total newbie here, so this may be obvious to everyone else.

Why are there more db hits when I run this query:
MATCH (a:Actor)
WHERE a.born.year >= 1980
WITH a, [(a)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie) WHERE 2000 <= m.year <= 2005 | m.title] AS Movies
WHERE size(Movies) > 0
RETURN a.name as Actor, a.born as Born, Movies

vs the same query, but leaving out the "Movie" label in my comprehension string:

MATCH (a:Actor)
WHERE a.born.year >= 1980
WITH a, [(a)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m) WHERE 2000 <= m.year <= 2005 | m.title] AS Movies
WHERE size(Movies) > 0
RETURN a.name as Actor, a.born as Born, Movies

The difference is very small, but I would absolutely love to know why there is one.

Thank you

The pattern comprehension pattern is different. In the first one you are filtering the 'm' nodes to be Movie nodes, while you don't specify that constraint in the second query. I am sure the results are the same, as your data model enforces that an ACTED_IN relationship only points to a Movie node. Even so, the query planner will be a little different, as the first query has to have a "filter' step to filter the 'm' nodes to only those that are Movie type.

Do you want to post the two query plans to highlight the differences?