Im brand new to Neo4j and cypher and Im stuck on the import stage.
In CSV file I have Customer column with customers having "firstname surname" or "firstname middle name surname"
I started with
< LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///ClassSessionEnrollmentsExport.csv' as row
WITH row
UNWIND split(row.Customer," ") as Customer
Return Customer/>
Which separates the names
I then have been trying to COUNT the number of " " in each row using the count feature
<count(split(row.Customer," ") as Customernumber/>
Hoping I could then use a WITH function to attribute firstname and surnames count<2 and firstname middlename and surname on the ELSE
I expect this to be a simple question for some, but Ive already lost a few hours before posing this question, so any help would be appreciated.
please see Conditional Cypher Execution - Knowledge Base and as it relates to conditional logic. More than likely this can be accomplished via a FOREACH clause for each of the conditionals and as described in the document
When I run this
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///ClassSessionEnrollmentsExport.csv' as row
with row
unwind size(split(row.Customer," ")) as number
return number
limit 5;
I get
│3 │
│2 │
│2 │
│2 │
│2 │
So after reading the document you pointed me to, I decided to try the UNION option
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///ClassSessionEnrollmentsExport.csv' as row
WITH row
WITH row
WHERE size(split(row.Customer," ")) >2
UNWIND split(row.Customer," ") as names
MERGE (n:Customer{Firstname:split(names," ")[0], Middlename:split(names," ")[1], Surname:split(names," ")[2]})
RETURN n.Firstname, n.Middlename, n.Surname
WITH row
WITH row
WHERE size(split(row.Customer," ")) <3
UNWIND split(row.Customer," ") as names
MERGE (n:Customer{Firstname:split(names," ")[0], Surname:split(names," ")[1]})
SET n.Middlename= "Nil"
RETURN n.Firstname, n.Middlename, n.Surname
Match (n:Customer)
Return n.Firstname, n.Middlename, n.Surname
limit 10;
But am now receiving this error
Cannot merge the following node because of null property value for 'Middlename': (:Customer {Middlename: null}) (Failure when processing file '/Applications/neo4j-home/import/ClassSessionEnrollmentsExport.csv' on line 2.)
Try this with COALESCE function:
with "dana j canzano III" as name
with split(name," ") as names
return COALESCE(names[0], '') as first, COALESCE(names[1], '') as middle,
COALESCE(names[2], '') as last, COALESCE(names[3], '') as last2
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///ClassSessionEnrollmentsExport.csv' as row
WITH row
WITH row
WHERE size(split(row.Customer," ")) >2
WITH split(row.Customer," ") as names
RETURN COALESCE(names[0]," ") as Firstname, COALESCE(names[1]," ") as Middlename, COALESCE(names[2]," ") as Surname
WITH row
WITH row
WHERE size(split(row.Customer," ")) <3
WITH split(row.Customer," ") as names
RETURN COALESCE(names[0]," ") as Firstname, COALESCE(names[1]," ") as Surname, COALESCE(names[2]," ") as Middlename
MERGE (n:Customer{Firstname:Firstname, Middlename:Middlename, Surname:Surname})
Return n.Firstname, n.Middlename, n.Surname
limit 20;