Custom field resolver not found

Hi everyone.

I'm trying to create a custom field resolver resolver (yes, this time I'm actually talking about the @customResolver directive)

so in my typedefs I defined (among other stuff

    type USER @exclude(operations: [CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE])
        user_id: ID! @id(autogenerate:true) @readonly

        lastName: String!
        firstName: String!
        dob: Date!   # some @auth directive here
        gender: GENDER! #  =>  Enum : Undef / Male / Female
        profileUpdateRequired: Boolean! @customResolver (requires: ["lastName", "firstName", "dob", "gender"])

        member_of_club: [CLUB!]! @relationship (type: "MEMBER_OF", direction: OUT)

        # And lots of other stuff

    extend type USER @auth 
                operations: [READ],
                allow: ${userAuthorizations.userRead} 
                # userAuthorizations.userRead = '{ user_id: "$jwt.user_id" }' (for the moment) from externally defined string

In my resolvers I have

const resolvers =
        profileUpdateRequired (source)
            return source.lastName==="" || source.firstName==="" || source.dob==="0001-01-01" || 
                    (source.gender!=="Male" && source.gender!=="Female")
        // ...userResolvers.Query
        // ...userResolvers.Subscription

results in this error

C:\Users\Surface\Insync\\Google Drive\dev\serveur\graphql\node_modules\@neo4j\graphql\dist\schema\get-custom-resolver-meta.js:46
        throw new Error(`Custom resolver for ${} has not been provided`);

Error: Custom resolver for profileUpdateRequired has not been provided

I have compared again and again and again with the example from the documentation but this still doesn't work and I don't understand what I'm missing. However I'm surprised by ${} within a backtick quote.

Any idea ?
Thanks for your help

still facing the problem

Can you share how you are passing the resolver map to the Neo4j GraphQL library?

Hi and thanks for your answer. However it's unclear to me what you are talking about with "passing the resolver map". Do you mean this ?

const neo4jgraphql = new Neo4jGraphQL (
    driver: neo4jdriver,
        // TODO : replace default subscription plugin by custom redis plugin
        subscriptions: redisSubscriptions,
        auth: new Neo4jGraphQLAuthJWTPlugin(
            secret: process.env.JWT_SESSION_KEY,
            globalAuthentication: false,

const neo4jschema = await neo4jgraphql.getSchema()

Edit : using neo4j-driver 5.5.0 on original post, updated since to 5.6.0