Creating nodes depending on full text search results


I have a a database that contains articles, topic nodes and keyword nodes.

Keyword has a relationship with topic nodes.

I would like to create a relationship between articles nodes and topics nodes.

Something like this: (:ARTICLE)-->(:TOPIC)

I would like to create this relationship only if a keyword related to a topic appears in an article with full text search.

Is it possible to apply full text search on articles nodes and next create a relation between topics and article nodes with Cypher requests ? Maybe it is better to use CONTAINS keyword instead of full search ?

Sure, that's no problem. You'll need a full text index of course, and the solution might look something like this:

WITH 'economy' as keyword
MATCH (t:Topic { name: keyword })
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("articleKeywords", keyword) YIELD node, score
CREATE (node)-[:TALKS_ABOUT]->(t)

Thank you @david_allen. If I want to iterate throught several keyword with a variable can I do something like this ?

WITH $keywork  as keyword
MATCH (t:Topic { name: $keyword  })
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("articleKeywords", keyword) YIELD node, score
CREATE (node)-[:TALKS_ABOUT]->(t)

not that syntax, but that idea, yes. Something like this:

MATCH (t:Topic)
WITH as keyword
(... rest of query here ....)
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Thank you @david_allen