Creating a time-to-live (ttl) property on nodes

I am using Neo4j Aura DB (v5.3.0) installed.

I am trying to add time-to-live (ttl) property on the node so that it gets deleted after a given period of time. I found this reference. In the database I cannot see the apoc.ttl procedure so I did a little research and found out that it's a part of a separate Apoc library called Apoc Extended.

Here in the neo4j aura documentation I cannot see the procedure listed.

Is APOC Extended supported by Neo4j Aura. If it is how can I install it and use the apoc.ttl procedure? And if not how I can I achieve the similar functionality? (i.e deleting a node after a given period of time)

I think you are limited to the subset supported in Aura.

Thank you for the reply. Is there any alternative to schedule a deletion of a node?


APOC procedures have been divided up in 2 categories: apoc core and apoc extended.
apoc core procedures have been thoroughly tested and reviewed and considered secure, and are therefore enabled to run in Aura (Neo4j database as a service).

apoc extended are not enabled to run in Aura.

Other methods of doing TTL: I did a quick look and so far haven't found anything. I'll be sure to come back and update if I find anything. In the meantime, you will need to write your own code to do it yourself.

you could probably just set a property of an expiration time and use apoc.periodic.repeat to repetitively match all nodes with expiration time property in the past and detach delete them.