Creating a Neo4j cluster using Docker

I am new to Neo4j and I am trying to deploy a Neo4j cluster via container. I was able to deploy the standalone but having issues with the cluster setup. Any help would be appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:

My approach is to use an enterprise image, for both via docker local and via container orchestration, I ran into issues with these environmental variables:

NEO4J_dbms_cluster_discovery_type = LIST

It just prints this and I cannot access via localhost/hostname:7474 the database.

2022-12-09 15:58:51.520+0000 INFO Resolved initial host 'server1:5000' to [[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:5000,]

What does this mean?

Whereas these are my overall environment variables:

NEO4J_initial_dbms_default__primaries__count = 3
NEO4J_dbms_cluster_discovery_type = LIST
NEO4J_initial_server_mode__constraint = PRIMARY
NEO4J_server_discovery_advertised__address = server1:5000
NEO4J_server_cluster_advertised__address = server1:6000
NEO4J_server_discovery_listen__address = server1:5000
NEO4J_server_cluster_raft_listen__address = server1:7000

Did I set it up correctly? :slightly_smiling_face:

I noticed that it has to reach the bolt step of the setup to allow access via browser.