I am new to Neo4j and I am trying to deploy a Neo4j cluster via container. I was able to deploy the standalone but having issues with the cluster setup. Any help would be appreciated.
My approach is to use an enterprise image, for both via docker local and via container orchestration, I ran into issues with these environmental variables:
NEO4J_dbms_cluster_discovery_type = LIST
It just prints this and I cannot access via localhost/hostname:7474 the database.
2022-12-09 15:58:51.520+0000 INFO Resolved initial host 'server1:5000' to [[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:5000,]
What does this mean?
Whereas these are my overall environment variables:
NEO4J_initial_dbms_default__primaries__count = 3
NEO4J_dbms_cluster_discovery_type = LIST
NEO4J_initial_server_mode__constraint = PRIMARY
NEO4J_server_discovery_advertised__address = server1:5000
NEO4J_server_cluster_advertised__address = server1:6000
NEO4J_server_discovery_listen__address = server1:5000
NEO4J_server_cluster_raft_listen__address = server1:7000
Did I set it up correctly?
I noticed that it has to reach the bolt step of the setup to allow access via browser.