CREATE VECTOR INDEX is failing due to a syntax error but the syntax appears to be correct

Pretty self-explanatory. See the screenshot above. I'm using a newly deployed 3 node cluster, with 5.15.0 installed. I'm following the docs closely, so I don't think I've made a syntax mistake with this code

CREATE VECTOR INDEX section_content_e 
FOR (n:Section) ON n.content_embedding_euclidean 
OPTIONS {indexConfig:{

If I use the deprecated method for vector index creation (ie. CALL db.index.vector.createNodeIndex()), then I can create indexes as expected.

Anyone have any ideas?

Back ticks around the configuration property names seems to work:

CREATE VECTOR INDEX section_content_e
FOR (n:Section) ON n.content_embedding_euclidian
OPTIONS {indexConfig: {
 `vector.dimensions`: 1536,
 `vector.similarity_function`: 'cosine'

Neo4j literal maps don’t enclose the keys in quotes like in json. Remove them. The backticks work because they are used in neo4j for labels with odd characters or spaces.

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Ah, I'd missed that they were backticks. Thanks!

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