Create relationships only in the Browser


I want to add a relationship in Neo4j browser and then I will start to connect the nodes using Bloom. I'm using Aura.

However when I enter the following in the browser it just does nothing - is this the correct syntax to add a relationship?

CREATE (node1)-[:IS_PARENTOF]->(node2)

All I want to do is add relationship names and every example I come across any mention it only talks about creating a relationship between nodes.



Yes, relations are created between two nodes. They do not live in isolation. That query should create two nodes without Labels nor properties and create a relationship between them. I doubt that is what you want. Typically you would match or merge to get each node and the create the relationship between the two found nodes using a statement simulate yours. I suggest using merge instead so the relation is not created each time if it already exists.

thanks - I don't get why this is failing - both nodes exist and there is a name label for each of them


WHERE a.Name = "AHU" AND b.Name = "DOAS"

CREATE (a)-[r:RELEASED]->(b)



example node of AHU -


your 'name' property is lowercase, but you are using 'Name' in the query.