I want to create a new relastionship between 2 nodes if the two nodes NOT already have one of the same type.
Else (if they have a relationshipt of that type) i want to reactivate it , but i have some syntax problems ... Can someone help me? THANKS ROB
:param orgguid => '549b28c2-378c-412d-8256-f5300a828200';
:param currentStatusguid => '16d25eed-caad-4415-936c-06b94cd0e050';
:param futurecurrentstatus => 'ed6a6d0f-0d5b-456d-baca-5a0803a854ad';
MATCH (node1 {guid: $orgguid}), (node2 {guid: $futurecurrentstatus})
WHERE NOT EXISTS ((node1)-[r:current_status]->(node2)) CREATE ((node1)-[:current_status]->(node2))
WHERE EXISTS ((node1)-[r:current_status]->(node2)) SET r.status = "active";