Hi Team,
I am trying to add second edge but with same relationship name between two nodes as properties is different. But I am seeing only one edge and properties related to that edge.
For example I have two rows in csv with 5 columns shown below
startf stopf rservice code usage
340 350 Fixed Main Less
340 350 Fixed Second High
Query I am using to create database is as follows
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///test.csv' AS aloc
MERGE (e:RadioService {label: aloc.service})
WITH e,aloc
MERGE (s:FrequencyBand {startFrequency: aloc.startf, stopFrequency: aloc.stopf})
MERGE (e)-[r:INCLUDED_IN]->(s)
SET r.Usage=aloc.usage, r.Code=aloc.code
The resultant output is two nodes with first row parameters and single relationship. I expect two edges as relationship properties in the second row are different. It is not showing second row properties and relationship.
Is there anyway to model this correctly?