Create multiple nodes form an array of strings

Hello everyone and thanks for your time reading this,
I'm building a simple personal project, using @neo4j/graphql, and apollo server/client library but I'm stuck on this point:
A logged-in user want to create an article, and n unique tags that can be linked to that or other articles.
Building this functionality piece by piece is fine till i get to the tags creation;
Tags should be unique so using connectOrCreate seems to be a good solution, but i can get it to work.

this is my schema

type Article {
  id: ID @id
  author: User!
  body: String!
  comment: [Comment]
  userWrote: User @relationship(type: "WROTE", direction: IN)
  hasTagTag: Tag @relationship(type: "HAS_TAG", direction: OUT)
  createdAt: DateTime @timestamp(operations: [CREATE])
  updatedAt: DateTime @timestamp(operations: [UPDATE])

type Tag {
  id: ID @id
  topic: String @unique
  article: [Article]
  hasTagArticle: Article @relationship(type: "HAS_TAG", direction: IN)
  createdAt: DateTime @timestamp(operations: [CREATE])
  updatedAt: DateTime @timestamp(operations: [UPDATE])

and this my mutation

export const CREATE_ARTICLE = gql`
mutation CreateArticle($input: [ArticleCreateInput!]!) {
  createArticles(input: $input) {
    articles {

schema and mutations were generated using
and this is the submit article function

  const submitArticle = (e) => {
    if (!bodyInput.value.length) return
    let tagArray = tagInput.value.split(',').map(tag => tag.trim()).filter(t => t && t.length)
    let trimmedBody = bodyInput.value.trim()
      variables: {
  "input": [
      "body": "body",
      "userWrote": {
        "connect": {
          "where": {
            "node": {
              "email": "test"
      "hasTagTag": {
        "connectOrCreate": {
          "where": {
            "node": {
              "topic": "tag" // here is where i get stuck ["tag", "gat"] is not working
          "onCreate": {
            "node": {
              "topic": "tag" // here is where i get stuck ["tag", "gat"] is not working
    bodyInput.value = '';

input from this function are correct, body is trimmed and i get and clean tags array,
what i can't wrap my head around is how to iterate over this tags array to make every tag a single node linked to the article and be sure that every new article written will be linked to the right tag if it already exist;
Is correct to use a @cypher statement and UNWIND the array or i can use some other tecnique?
I can't map directly inside the function in this fashion

          hasTagTag: {
            connectOrCreate: => ({ where: { topic: tag }, create: { topic: tag } }))

Every help or suggestions will be very useful, if other details are needed please just ask.
Thank again for your time and interest in reading and hopefully solving this.
Ciao :wave: