Create movie database and populate it


can you provide steps or link to page that has cypher script to create movies database in complete.

I want to build and populate the database in one of our internal servers.
it had neo4j database but we cleaned it and lost all content of that database.


i also need recommendation database content cypher as well to create the base content in my local database.

The Importing CSV Data course should give you all of the Cypher statements you need to recreate the database locally. You can also download a dump file to load into your local instance.

Hi Adam,

What is the instruction to load the dump files to my empty database hosted in aws

also in the course you mentioned, what section of the course cover the cypher statement i should use to import nodes and relationships


can you please help me with this.

I still need this

maybe i misunderstand but from a Neo4j Browser if you enter

:play movies

the 2nd page of the carousel has all the cypher to run and as depicted

simply click the CREATE statements and it will drop said statements at the Cypher prompt of the browser. Then click the run >


your process doesn't generate all of the nodes and relationships.

I want a true replica of recommendations with all nodes and relationships.

Oh, good point. I think this is an oversight on our part that we're not also teaching LOAD CSV.

I can remember some files from a few years ago but I'm struggling to track them down. Here are the docs for the LOAD CSV command. You could try piecing it together using this CSV file

Here are the files used in the lesson:

To import the movies, you could run:

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///movies.csv' AS row
MERGE (m:Movie {movieId: m.movieId})
SET m += row

(add :auto if you run it in Neo4j Browser)

For (:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(:Movie) , you could do:

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///acted_in.csv' AS row
MERGE (m:Movie {movieId: row.movieId})
MERGE (p:Person {tmdbId: row.tmdbId})

MERGE (p)-[r:ACTED_IN]->(m)
SET r.role = row.role


LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///movies.csv' AS row
MERGE (m:Movie {movieId: m.movieId})
SET m += row

Why am i getting this error ?

Cannot merge the following node because of null property value for 'movieId': (:Movie {movieId: null})


return row works all rows !!

Also, you are only showing ACTED_IN relationship. how can we create other relationships?

do we have excel files for relationship files as well and a corresponding load to create relationships?
do we have excel files for all relationships?

  1. Genre attribute in Movies file, it is like a list. how to covert it to nodes? do you have script to create genre?

  2. simply do you have a process to execute step by step to create recommendations database? and supporting data of that process?

can someone help me with this ?

i want to have detailed steps to create "recommendations" database on our database.

i have created this ticket on May 8 and still the steps that are provided are not sufficient.

Why the course content doesn't offer sections to simulate creating the database ?

the zip file you provided is missing user csv
