Cookie access blocked?

Request to access cookie or storage on “http://xxxxxxxx:7687/” was blocked because we are blocking all third-party storage access requests and content blocking is enabled.

Why is Neo4j setting the cookie?
is it important?
and can it be turned of server side?


port 7687 is a bolt port and not a http:// port. Is there a reason to connect to a bolt port with a http:// protocol?

also if there is a reason to do so and if this is a bug etc, it would be helpful to know

  • version of Neo4j?
  • more details/specifics of how you are making a request to said http:// resource

I have no idea what I am doing, just started a bit with Neo4j. I playing a bit with this javascript driver. I guess this connection statement is ok.

const driver = neo4j.driver("bolt://xxxx", neo4j.auth.basic("neo4j", "xxxxx"), { encrypted: false });

const session = driver.session({ database: "movies" });

server 5.23.0



but so is that code snippet you provide causing the error. which would be weird since its going against bolt://xxxxx and not http://xxxxx

also for reference it should be noted the Neo4j Browser is built upon the Neo4j Bolt Javascript driver and so if this error was possible I would expect many other users of Neo4j Browser would encounter.

I have opened this test file in different browser and it looks like this cookie message is indeed not there.

So I guess indeed that when I have this Neo4j browser opened in FF and test this file in FF private mode this somehow reported.


what test file?
How can i help