I know there's the ability to take a .ttl file format and insert it to a Neo4j using the neo-semantics library. In the graph, the .ttl file is being divided into its relevant objects.
My question is: how can I convert a .ttl file into POJO's without using Neo4j?
TTL file for example:
@prefix ns0: <http://example.org/prop#> .
a ns0:Host ;
ns0:Exploitable "XXE", "PEC";
ns0:Account ns0:Account_0abb0c18-9fb7-57f2-8bcd-2cb07ffbe865_161 ;
ns0:HostSignificance "3" ;
ns0:ID "48d491d1-7998-59d6-b3ed-07a0868d7536_531" .
a ns0:Account ;
ns0:GroupName "Administrators" ;
ns0:ID "0abb0c18-9fb7-57f2-8bcd-2cb07ffbe865_161" ;
ns0:Privileges "SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight" ;
ns0:UserId "161" ;
ns0:Username "administrator" .
The accepted mapping will be 2 POJO's of Host
and Account
Thanks in advance,