Convert bolt neo4j api response from records into columns + data format

how can i get this response using neo4j bolt? is there a way to convert records into columns + data?



The Bolt server does not return JSON results, contrary to the HTTP server.

If you want to achieve something similar, you will have to extract the results with the Bolt driver of your language and implement some logic yourself to expose the results in the format you describe.

to expose the result, it needs to be converted into an array right? btw this is the response i currently have:


Hmmm, I'm a bit confused, what you're showing is NOT a response from a Bolt server. Can you clarify what you mean by "bolt neo4j api"? Can you share the code that interacts with the server?

i used neo4j-driver and the URI scheme is bolt for the API connection. something like this:


to get the response:



.then((result) \=> {

  return result;


my reference: