Constraint to prevent certain relations

please consider the following graph:

CREATE (n0:Person {name: "Jack"})-[:ALLIED_WITH]->(n4:Person {name: "Theo"})-[:ENEMY_OF]->(n3:Person {name: "Paul"})<-[:PARTNER_OF]-(:Person {name: "Jim"})-[:ALLIED_WITH]->(n1:Person {name: "Mark"})-[:PARTNER_OF]->(:Person {name: "Bill"})<-[:ENEMY_OF]-(n0),
(:Person {name: "Deb"})-[:PARTNER_OF]->(n4)

As you can see, I have 2 groups of nodes (yellow and green nodes). The nodes are linked within each group with "positive" relations ([PARTNER_OF] and [ALLIED_WITH]), while nodes of different groups have just "bad" relations ([ENEMY_OF], in the example).

Is it possible to create a constrain to prevent the creation of "positive" relations ('PARTNER_OF' and 'ALLIED_WITH', in this example) between nodes of different groups?

Thanks for your help!


futher tto @glilienfield but Neo4j constraint functionality is described at

Cypher does not have a constraint like this. You could try to use an apoc trigger to execute when a new relationship is created. You may be able to raise an exception if the new relationship relates two nodes in different groups.

Thanks for your hints, but I'm afraid this is getting too complicated for me. Do you think changing the graph schema could help to simplify it?

What do you think about this solution?

//avoid enemies
// create wrong relation
MATCH (p1:Person {name: 'Deb'}), (p2:Person {name: 'Mark'})
MERGE (p1)-[r:PARTNER_OF]->(p2)
// check cluster
WITH p1, r
WITH p1, r, collect(DISTINCT ps) as nodes
    UNWIND [p1] + nodes as s
        MATCH (s)-[:ENEMY_OF]-(e) WHERE NOT = AND e IN nodes
WITH r, collect(DISTINCT e) as enemies
    CASE WHEN not enemies = [] THEN [1] ELSE [] END | DELETE r

Could you suggest how to break the UNWIND loop as soon as line 11 MATCH finds the first result?