Hi - i am a newbie with Neo4J so apologies in advance.
I am developing a java app that sucks model repository knowledge out of a rhapsody model into Neo4J (v3.5.12) for subsequent analysis.
Rhapsody (from a simple single model perspective) guarantees model element uniqueness through an associated GUID.
All nodes have label "Element" but when i am loading the artefacts into Neo4J (via LOAD CSV) i am allocating each node multiple labels based upon where within the Rhapsody type hierarchy the element is situated (so for example a class node may be decorated with labels :Element:ModelUnit:Classifier:Class).
Below is an example of the cypher query i am running using the run method on the session class.
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///C:\\temp\\Class.csv' AS row MERGE (n:Element:ModelUnit:Classifier:Class { ElementGuid: row.ElementGuid}) ON MATCH SET n.OwnerElementMetaClass=row.OwnerElementMetaClass, n.ElementIsReactive=row.ElementIsReactive ON CREATE SET n.ElementGuid=row.ElementGuid, n.OwnerElementMetaClass=row.OwnerElementMetaClass, n.ElementIsReactive=row.ElementIsReactive
My understanding is that using MERGE should take care of both when the node does not already exist and when it does.
Specifically because I am MERGING on label 'Element' (the base type) and discriminating using the unique ElementGuid property then i would have thought that I should end up with each node having a unique elementGuid.
However when i execute
it complains that the constraint cannot be asserted because nodes exist having the same elementGuid property.
I am wondering if it is because in the MERGE I am already allocating multiple labels?
Any thoughts and observations would be most welcome