I tried to make the challenge but i found a connectivity error in the course database and i can't take the certificate because of this
it is so annoying
I tried to make the challenge but i found a connectivity error in the course database and i can't take the certificate because of this
it is so annoying
Network debugging should not be part of that course . Let me ping the graph academy team.
Can you give me some additional information? Did you experience a particular error?
Did you have problems connecting to the sandbox database? Fyi - if you have been doing the course for a few days, the sandbox will expire after 3 days so you will get a new set of connection details. You can check the connection details to your sandbox instances at sandbox.neo4j.com.
in Building Neo4j Applications with Go course the challenge is write on the database witch its credentials is
driver, err := neo4j.NewDriverWithContext(
"neo4j+s://dbhash.databases.neo4j.io", // (1)
neo4j.BasicAuth("neo4j", "letmein!", ""), // (2)
maybe it's the wrong Database and there is no credentials in the challenge
and in the first lesson in the course [ Installation ] there is a package in the code witch is
[. "github.com/neo4j-graphacademy/neoflix/pkg/shared"] this package give me an error that is no longer exists
so please could you send the credentials of the learning database that i have to make the challenge on it
I just want to ask about is there is any updates or help
Hi, sorry I missed you reply as it went to Hakan,
I can only assume you dont have the correct credentials.
so please could you send the credentials of the learning database that i have to make the challenge on it
Everyone has their own credentials and their own Neo4j sandbox database (which you can see at sandbox.neo4j.com)
If you goto the "creating a driver instance" lesson - https://graphacademy.neo4j.com/courses/app-go/1-driver/2-c-create-driver/ - you can see your credentials if you open the "developing on your local machine" section.
My advice would be to use Gitpod and open a new workspace
This will reclone the repository and set the environment variables to you Neo4j instance.
Thanks for your replay
i have a problem in Gitpod so i can't use it
i run the challenge (https://graphacademy.neo4j.com/courses/app-go/1-driver/8-c-writing-data/) but i didn't passed
i don't know if i am doing it right or not
so please could you help me and tell me what is the problem
GraphAcademy is running this Cypher against the sandbox to see if you have successfully add the node and relationship.
MATCH (m:Movie {title: "Matrix, The"})
RETURN count { (m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-() } > 4 AS outcome
Based on your screenshot I can see you have completed the activity but I dont think you are using the right sandbox (as I can see the Matrix is spelt differently).
If you run the cypher to add the node, GraphAcademy will think you have passed the test.
Open the sandbox in GraphAcademy, but clicking the icon in the bottom right:
Run this Cypher to add a new node with an ACTED_IN relationship.
MATCH (m:Movie {title: "Matrix, The"})
MERGE (p:Person {name:"Martin"})
MERGE (p)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)
Hopefully this helps and you can pass the lesson
Hi Martin ,
Thank you so much for your help