I am implementing the example in Neo4j .NET course and I got this exception here
public static async Task InitDriverAsync(string uri, string username, string password)
_driver = GraphDatabase.Driver(uri, AuthTokens.Basic(username, password));
await _driver.VerifyConnectivityAsync();
Neo4j.Driver.ServiceUnavailableException: 'Connection with the server breaks due to IOException: Failed to connect to server 'bolt://' via IP addresses'[]' at port '7687'. Please ensure that your database is listening on the correct host and port and that you have compatible encryption settings both on Neo4j server and driver. Note that the default encryption setting has changed in Neo4j 4.0.'
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"Jwt": {
"secret": "SuperSecureSecret"
"Neo4j": {
"uri": "bolt://",
"username": "neo4j",
"password": "solution-bomb-crosses"
"Password": {
"rounds": "10"