So I am working within a closed AWS environment and have set up Neo4j 4.0.3 Community edition. When connecting to the server using the python driver with neobolt I receive no issue on the local machine. I have opened the respective ports and firewall settings to allow other EC2 instances to access the server. On a separate EC2 instance trying to connect to the server remotely I can access it via browser but using the python driver I cannot connect to the server. Please see the following code:
from neo4j import GraphDatabase
uri = "bolt://:7687"
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri,auth=("user","pass"),encrypted=False)
Which produces the following error when initializing the driver:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
This is a fresh Neo4j server so there is no data within the software. I am just trying to set up the connection so my employees can start populating the database from their respective EC2 instances. If anyone can please provide some insight or places to check please let me know!