I have written a java-plugin to handle insertion of data into neo4j. I have tried calling it in two different ways from python, one where I supply the data in the python code, and one where I call apoc.load.json.
i.e, the first is:
c = "WITH $nodes as nodes
UNWIND nodes as n
CALL mymodule.mergeNodes(n.labels, n.identity, n.properties) yield node return node"
with driver.session() as session:
res = session.run(c, nodes= nodes)
and the second one is:
c = "CALL apoc.load.json("some internal webserver") YIELD value as n
CALL mymodule.mergeNodes(n.labels, n.identity, n.properties) yield node return node"
with driver.session() as session:
res = session.run(c)
The, to me, weird thing is that second approach is a lot faster, my tests went from about 10s to 4s, so the first and most obvious (?) approach is half the speed of the second.
Any ideas as to why this is?