I m trying to union/ combine 2 query results with different relationship types that should stay separate afterwards (sub queries r2, r3 not the same column names). I want to get an output graph with c, p, r2, r3.
I tried the following cypher query:
MATCH (p:Sample)-[r3:`Age`]->(c:Sample)
r3.age >= 50
RETURN p, r3, c
MATCH (p:Sample)-[r1:`Age`]->(c:Sample)
MATCH (p:Sample)-[r2:`Size`]->(c:Sample)
(r2.size <= 50 and r1.age >= 20)
return p, r2, c
The error message is of course:
Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError: All sub queries in an UNION must have the same column names (line 5, column 1 (offset: 98))
The result should look like this table:
p | r2 | r3 | c
p1 | | sth | c1
p1 | sth | | c1
...| ... | ... | ...