Can't manage to use JWT


I'm trying to get Neo4J + graphQL lib 4.0.0 + authentication/authorization via JWT.
I managed to do it with graphQL 3.0.0 but can't now update to 4.0.0.

My base code relates on the documentation OGM/Examples/Custom Resolvers

I have the following in my schema:

type JWT @jwt {
    roles: [String!]!

My base type for User is:

type User {
  id: ID @id
  username: String!
  password: String! @private
  roles: [String!]

I tried different simple things in the schema:

type User @authorization(validate: [{ when: [BEFORE], where: {node: {id: "$jwt.sub" } } }]){
# or
type User @authorization(validate: [
    { where: { node: { id: "$jwt.sub" } } }
    { where: { jwt: { roles_INCLUDES: "admin" } } }
]) {
# or
type User @authentication(operations: [DELETE], jwt: { roles_INCLUDES: "admin" }){

When querying

query Users {
  users {

with header

  "Authorization" : "Bearer <jwt>"

I get the following error:

"message": "Type mismatch for parameter 'jwt': expected Map, Node, Relationship, Point, Duration, Date, Time, LocalTime, LocalDateTime or DateTime but was String (line 3, column 87 (offset: 113))\n\"WHERE apoc.util.validatePredicate(NOT ($isAuthenticated = true AND = coalesce($jwt.sub, $jwtDefault)), \"@neo4j/graphql/FORBIDDEN\", [0])\"\

This seems to be related to APOC translation.

My server is as follows:

const neoSchema = new Neo4jGraphQL({
    features: {
        authorization: {
            key: signingKey,

Promise.all([neoSchema.getSchema(), ogm.init()]).then(([schema]) => {
    const server = new ApolloServer({

        startStandaloneServer(server, {
            context: async ({ req }) => {
                return { jwt: req.headers.authorization }},
        }).then(({ url }) =>  {
            console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`);

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

As pointed by MichaelID on Can't manage to use JWT authentication/authorization with Neo4J-GraphQL - Stack Overflow, the context should be fed by a token, not a JWT:

context: async ({ req }) => {
                return { token: req.headers.authorization }},