I've got the GRANDstack starter up and running with all dependencies installed and the env files with passwords etc should be correct. The problem is when running npm start seedDb I still can't get it to show any data writing queries in http://localhost:4001/graphql (shows empty arrays, writing stuff like:
User(name: "Will") {
Also could'nt get any data in my Neo4j desktop instance..
Any suggestions?
When I successfully run seedDb I get console output that indicates the data has been added successfully.
Are you seeing anything in the console that indicates the data is being added to Neo4j?
I see output like below when seedDb runs successfully:
james@james-3780:~/Grandstack Projects/grand-stack-starter-master/api$ npm run seedDb
> grand-stack-starter-api@0.0.1 seedDb /home/james/Grandstack Projects/grand-stack-starter-master/api
> babel-node src/seed/seed-db.js
data: {
movie1: { title: 'First Movie Title', year: 1998, __typename: 'Movie' },
user1: { userId: 'user1', name: 'Gumby', __typename: 'User' }
Should probably mention my example is based on these mutations:
movie1: CreateMovie (
title: "First Movie Title"
year: 1998
) {
user1: CreateUser (
userId: "user1"
name: "Gumby"
) {