Can't get data to appear in GraphQL api // Neo4J using seedDb


I've got the GRANDstack starter up and running with all dependencies installed and the env files with passwords etc should be correct. The problem is when running npm start seedDb I still can't get it to show any data writing queries in http://localhost:4001/graphql (shows empty arrays, writing stuff like:
User(name: "Will") {
Also could'nt get any data in my Neo4j desktop instance..
Any suggestions?

When I successfully run seedDb I get console output that indicates the data has been added successfully.
Are you seeing anything in the console that indicates the data is being added to Neo4j?
I see output like below when seedDb runs successfully:

james@james-3780:~/Grandstack Projects/grand-stack-starter-master/api$ npm run seedDb
> grand-stack-starter-api@0.0.1 seedDb /home/james/Grandstack Projects/grand-stack-starter-master/api
> babel-node src/seed/seed-db.js

  data: {
    movie1: { title: 'First Movie Title', year: 1998, __typename: 'Movie' },
    user1: { userId: 'user1', name: 'Gumby', __typename: 'User' }

Should probably mention my example is based on these mutations:

    movie1: CreateMovie (
      title: "First Movie Title"
      year: 1998
    ) {
    user1: CreateUser (
      userId: "user1"
      name: "Gumby"
    ) {