Cannot iterate through Result

I cannot get a simple iteration through Nodes to work.
My query is:
String query = "MATCH (n:Concept) WHERE n.type = 'text' RETURN (n)";
When I execute:
Result qResult = db.execute(query);
I get:
| n |
| Node[2]{reference:"3306c766-4c26-44a4-8112-f5fa6cb6d226",type:"text",value:"insurance"} |
| Node[3]{reference:"3306c766-4c26-44a4-8112-f5fa6cb6d226",type:"text",value:"liability"} |
2 rows

Two nodes is what I expect.

When I try either:
ResourceIterator nodes = qResult.columnAs("n");
while(nodes.hasNext()) {


while(qResult.hasNext()) {

The loop never executes because hasNext() returns false.

What am I missing?

Well, well. Answered my own question. For some reason, I did not see
The execution result represented by this object will be consumed in its entirety after this method is called. Calling any of the other iterating methods on it should not be expected to return any results.

Even though it is in bold!

Hope, I didn't waste anyone's time.