Cannot get all related values from Neo4j in Spring Boot

I have a problem with getting all values from the database. My entities are City and its route. When I call the listAll function, I get an empty list even if there are some values in the database.

How can I fix my issue?

Here are my entities as City and Route showed below.


public class City {

private UUID id;

private String name;

@Relationship(type = "ROUTES", direction = Relationship.Direction.OUTGOING)
private Set<Route> routes = new HashSet<>();

public City(String name) { = name;



public class Route {

private UUID id;

private String from;

private String destination;

private String departureTime;

private String arriveTime;

private Long duration;


Here is my CityRepository shown below.

public interface CityRepository extends Neo4jRepository<City,UUID> {
@Query("MATCH (city:City)-[r:ROUTES]->(route:Route) RETURN city, collect(r), collect(route)")
List listAll();