We are evaluating fabric but before testing I wanted to find out if there are any limitations on cypher queries (including GDS)
I understand this is possible:
Query db#1 and use output as input for a query to db#2
And also this;
Query db#1 and combine output with output from a query to db#2 (using UNION)
But is this possible?
Construct a query which includes labels/properties from both db#1 and db#2
WITH ["db#1", "db#2"] AS dbs
UNWIND fabric.graphIds() AS graphId
USE fabric.graph(graphId)
OPTIONAL MATCH (db1:Label {db1prop: ""})-[COMMON_REL]-(db2:Label { db2prop: ""})
If this could work I assume it would depend on having the node and relationship labels identical in both.
I read this but am still not clear