Hi Nodeynode! Great name, btw.
Being new here, I will try to answer your question and hope someone corrects me if I say anything not quite right.
You can definitely have multiple relationships of the same type between the exact same nodes. You can see this yourself by running this code multiple times:
MERGE (t1:Temp {tempid: 1})
MERGE (t2:Temp {tempid: 2)}
CREATE (t1)-[:TEMP_REL]->(t2)
If you MATCH/MERGE the nodes before creating the relationship, you will avoid creating your abc.exe node every time. But by using CREATE in the relationship path, it will always create a new relationship.
The best performance and ease of querying depends on the use case and the number of nodes/relationships involved.
For example, if node A has 40000 relationships (of the same type) to node B, and if you only want one of those relationships where you are finding it by a property, and let's say you're starting with node A by its indexed identifier. Then the query finds node A very quickly, but has to search all 40000 relationships and check their properties to find the one you want.
If you have split out node B into B1, B2, B3, B4, etc. then node A still has 40000 relationships. If you put the property you're trying to find on B, then it still has to search 40000 properties.
A principle I've seen in several examples has been to use nodes that split out parts of the graph. Think of the example in the documentation where they use AirportDay nodes to avoid having a node for each airport that will eventually have tens of thousands of relationships.
If your user John is repeatedly creating the same file, you could also create B1-NEXT->B2-NEXT->B3-NEXT-B4, etc. and then node A has something like a MOST_RECENT relationship to the last node in the chain. Then you can find the most recent creation of abc.exe very fast.
Or maybe you have some combination of model where A-->B and then B goes to separate CreationDay nodes. It'll depend on your exact use case and how many items you want/need in the graph.
That's all I've got. Hopefully it's a little helpful.
Happy graphing!