Can I use Traversal Framework from a java client (no embedded Neo4j instance)

The documentation is unclear as to whether I can write a standalone java client and use the Traversal Framework + Transaction API, so I can connect to a remote Neo4J instance.

I do not want an embedded Neo4J server, as all examples seem to imply but never state explicitly.

Is this supported?

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@smerzlia, is your question answered or you found an answer? im now struck in that place now.

Hello, the traversal framework is tied to the embedded Neo4j API.
There used to be a REST API equivalent, but I believe it's been removed in 4.0.

If the traversal API solves a problem Cypher does not, you can develop a custom Neo4j procedure that uses the traversal API and is exposed to Cypher: User-defined procedures - Java Reference. The reason this approach works is because extensions get access to the same embedded API (after all, they run embedded within the server).