Can Bloom search phrase parameters be of list (of string) type?

By invoking a search phrase, I'd like to create a :Topic {description: 'SomeBrilliantIdea'} node with multiple tags specified (so for the new topic node automatically linked to those UNWIND $tags as tag MERGE (tg:Tag {name: tag}) nodes.

Is this possible?

Also I'd like the user be able to input the $description before hand, instead of editing the created node afterward, which cost more clicks.

Not sure I fully understand. Do you want to know how to link the tag nodes to the topic node and then how to search for a topic based on a given list of tags? Can you provide a more detailed explanation of your requirements?

Sorry for the confusion, I meant to supply multiple tag names by the user, in the search box of Bloom, by invoking a search phrase.

I've also updated the title to include "Bloom".

Hi, Unfortunately using a list of variable length as a parameter input for Bloom Search Phrases is not supported. If you know how many tags are to be used, you could try creating multiple search phrases with varying numbers of input parameters (e.g. $desc1 $desc2 etc...).