Build a Neo4j-backed Chatbot using Python (Issue)

Hello guys,
I have an issue with the chatbot. At the end of the class, we should have an operational chatbot which should be able to reply at the following question : "How many degrees of separation are there between Viola Davis and Kevin Bacon?" by a reply being "There are three degrees of separation between Viola Davis and Kevin Bacon. Viola Davis co-starred with Chris Hemsworth in Blackhat, Chris Hemsworth co-starred with Charlize Theron in Snow White and the Huntsman, and Charlize Theron co-starred with Kevin Bacon in Trapped.". He should be able to tell the number of degrees and list the different movies linking them. But in my case he only reply with the last movie being trapped even though in the console we can see that In full context he got the right answer.

My question is : How to manipulate the finished chain so that it got all of the info from full context.

here is my console output :

> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...
Thought: Do I need to use a tool? Yes
Action: Graph Cypher QA Chain
Action Input: Viola Davis, Kevin Bacon

> Entering new GraphCypherQAChain chain...
Generated Cypher:
MATCH path = shortestPath(
  (p1:Person {name: "Viola Davis"})-[:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED*]-(p2:Person {name: "Kevin Bacon"})
WITH path, p1, p2, relationships(path) AS rels
  p1 { name:, born: p1.born, link: '' + p1.tmdbId } AS start,
  p2 { name:, born: p2.born, link: '' + p2.tmdbId } AS end,
  reduce(output = '', i in range(0, length(path)-1) |
    output + CASE
      WHEN i = 0 THEN
        startNode(rels[i]).name + CASE 
          WHEN type(rels[i]) = 'ACTED_IN' THEN ' played ' + rels[i].role + ' in ' 
          ELSE ' directed ' 
        END + endNode(rels[i]).title
        ' with ' + startNode(rels[i]).name + ', who ' + CASE 
          WHEN type(rels[i]) = 'ACTED_IN' THEN 'played ' + rels[i].role + ' in '
          ELSE 'directed ' 
        END + endNode(rels[i]).title
  ) AS pathBetweenPeople

Full Context:
[{'start': {'born': neo4j.time.Date(1965, 8, 11), 'link': '', 'name': 'Viola Davis'}, 'end': {'born': neo4j.time.Date(1958, 7, 8), 'link': '', 'name': 'Kevin Bacon'}, 'pathBetweenPeople': 'Viola Davis played Carol Barrett in Blackhat with Chris Hemsworth, who played Nicholas Hathaway in Blackhat with Chris Hemsworth, who played The Huntsman in Snow White and the Huntsman with Charlize Theron, who played Queen Ravenna in Snow White and the Huntsman with Charlize Theron, who played Karen Jennings in Trapped with Kevin Bacon, who played Joe Hickey in Trapped'}]

> Finished chain.
Viola Davis and Kevin Bacon are connected through the movie "Trapped."