Bug in pagerank Algo?


I upgraded my NEO4J project to version 3.5.8 and was wondering because of the weighted personalized PageRank results.

I have my graph now twice. One with neo4j version 3.5.8 and GraphAlgorithms and the other on the old neo4j version 3.5.5 and GraphAlgorithms but in both versions the graph has the same nodes and edges.
But if I call the personalized PageRank :

MATCH (root:Person {username: "?"})
CALL algo.pageRank.stream('Person', 'FOLLOWS', {iterations:20, dampingFactor:0.85, sourceNodes: [root], weightProperty:"weight"})
YIELD nodeId, score
RETURN algo.asNode(nodeId).username AS name,score

I get completely other rankings on both graphs. Can it be possible that there is a bug in the new release of graph algorithms because the result from version 3.5.5 seems more to be a correct ranking? Or changed the semantics of the pagerank inputs so I can't use the same query in both versions?

Thanks for your help


I Use the Neo4J Desktop Version 1.1.22
The Profile screenshot for the querey on version neo4j Version 3.5.5:

The Profile screenshot for the querey on version neo4j Version 3.5.8: