Browser node graph visualization limited to 101 characters

Help. Suddenly my graph nodes on Neo4j browser fail to contain more than 101 characters. What may have happened? Thanks.

Hi @minervabiblos379

What version of Neo4j desktop/browser are you using and what OS?
By the way, are you getting any error messages?

Thanks for answering me. I had this problem both on Neo4j Aura and on a Debian server (updated versions). Could the changes be made via ":style" to increase the diameter of the node? (Text has this limit only in graphic processing). Thanks.

Hi @minervabiblos379

I understand your problem.
Neo4j does not have a text limit, so it is impossible to show all the text in a node.
I would either show other properties or not matter if the text is not all there.

Until a week ago the result was this ...