We've deployed Neo4J in Azure (as a VMSS from the marketplace, configured with just one vm) with an Enterprise license and are looking for best practices on production backup for disaster recovery. Before scripting a scheduled backup (using neo4j-admin to save a backup to a file store), we wanted to confirm there are no features of Azure that can be used to create a backup (at any level, e.g. vmss, vm, or disk). Really appreciate any directions and/or validation that our conclusions having reviewed Azure's features (as detailed below) is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Henry.
- Backup Vault Recovery Services- Not applicable to scale sets
- Backup Vault - Discs not accessible, it’s like they don’t exist outside of the scale set. We can’t find any docs on whether this should be possible or not.
- Scale Set Replication & Site Recovery should be possible, but only for ‘flexible’ orchestration VMSSs. The current orchestration is 'uniform' and we can't find if/how to change this.