In the docs for loading CSV, it states you can load a CSV but ONLY from a publicly available URL. This is problematic for us as we are trying to load our company's CSV data into Aura and cannot have it publicly available. Are there plans to support authentication protocols for the import?
It's curious to me that no one has answered this.
Does your organization have its own FTP server? for LOAD CSV
can also read from a FTP server and with username/password. See
Example 3. Import artists name and year information from a remote file via FTP using credentials
4,The Cardigans,1992
LOAD CSV FROM 'ftp://<username>:<password>@<domain>/bands/artists.csv' AS row
MERGE (a:Artist {name: row[1], year: toInteger(row[2])})
RETURN, a.year
Oh! I've never seen this solution discussed. Everything I've read says that that AuraDB needs to use a public site and does not handle credentials. I will check this out. Thanks.
Just to confirm, you are talking about AuraDB, right?
I have used the Python Neo4J driver, but in the method I used, I still load a CSV. At the stage of maturity that my organization, we still want to use CSV's. I am having trouble understanding why this method, which is the most well-documented, would not have a secure method.
As to the FTP option that @dana_canzano proposed, does this work with AuraDB?
you last post is the same as LOAD CSV from imported file in AuraDB - #5 by seth.moody . correct? Is this the only duplication or are you posting the same on other posts as well
As to
As to the FTP option that @dana_canzano proposed, does this work with AuraDB?
I have not tested but dont see where it would not work. In some respects no different than load csv and http/https
Sorry about that. When I went to publish the post, it asked me where I wanted to post it. I didn't understand the question as I had not seen it before. I didn't intentionally post the same thing twice.
OK, thanks. I will try it out. I wanted to confirm before requesting that my company provision an FTP service for me to use.
As an aside, I think my solution for now is to use the desktop app and a local database. I had not been doing this prior because there was some issue with the activation key not being accepted, which for some reason did not appear solvable. I'm using a new laptop now, which never had the desktop app on it, and the it's working fine now.