Aura +neovis.js

Hi Guys!

I make a familytree webprojekt in php.
The only problem I have is with the visualization.
When I use the next code with the desktop client it is working, but with datas of Aura is not.
I don't get any error messages, nothing just happens.
Can someone help me with what the problem might be?

My code:

               <body onload="draw()" >
                   <div id="viz" style= "width: 98%; height: 700px; border: 1px solid lightgray; font: 22pt arial;"></div>
                       function draw() {

                           var config = {
                               container_id: "viz",
                               server_url: "neo4j+s://",
                               server_user: "neo4j",
                               server_password: "password",
                               labels: {
                                   Person: {
                                       caption: "name",
               			sizeCypher: "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = $id MATCH (n)-[r]->() RETURN Count(r) +50 "
                               relationships: {
                                   "Parent": {
               			"thickness": "weight",
                               	"caption": true,
                               initial_cypher: "match p=()-[]->() return p",
                               arrows: true

                           var viz = new NeoVis.default(config);

Hi @istvan751108 ,

Could you try using Neo4j Browser to connect to the Aura Database using the exact url, username and password being used by your application? It's possible that there is a connection error that you're not seeing.

Since you're using Desktop, a good check would be to add the Aura Database as a remote connection.
