Are Neo4j 3.5.x still available for download?

I want to access a large graph database presumably created by neo4j 3.5.26. Link:
I managed to download neo4j 3.5.5 from an obscure corner of the Internet and suceeded in accessing the graph database. I wanted to migrate the database to neo4j but I don't have the enterprise edition. Sine the neo4j 3.5.5 was downloaded from somewhere suspicious, I want to download neo4j 3.5.x from official sources, but I couldn't find any such sources after many Internet searches. Would anyone help me on this? Thanks!

For what OS do you need it?

In general you can go to the download page and change the version in the URL after clicking through and it should work.

For Windows at the moment. I tried replacing the version in a download URL, and it didn't seem to work.... For example,*xfolui*_ga*MjAzNjUyOTMzNS4xNjg1NDE0NDUy*_ga_DL38Q8KGQC*MTY4NTQzMzg1NC4zLjEuMTY4NTQzMzg4Mi4zMi4wLjA.&_ga=2.178497122.752138628.1685414453-2036529335.1685414452


For Windows at the moment. I tried replacing the version in a download URL, and it didn't seem to work.... For example,*xfolui*_ga*MjAzNjUyOTMzNS4xNjg1NDE0NDUy*_ga_DL38Q8KGQC*MTY4NTQzMzg1NC4zLjEuMTY4NTQzMzg4Mi4zMi4wLjA.&_ga=2.178497122.752138628.1685414453-2036529335.1685414452

it didnt work? Didnt download or downloaded but then couldnt run etc. Can you provide specifics on didnt work. FWIW I was able to successfully download. And as @michael.hunger indicated most Neo4j URLs are fairly simple/straightforward and include a value similar to ...... ..... ?release=X.Y.Z&........ ....... .... and simply replacing X.Y.Z with any valid version number will allow you to get said version

It works now. It seems it was one-shot network problem.

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