Apt Key Refused

Sorry for disturbing you, I was trying to install Neo4j on a Debian system, thus I have opened the page https://debian.neo4j.org/ and followed the instructions. I had no problem with the first two command, but when I executed sudo apt-get update I got

The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 26C95CF201182252 Neo Technology Admins

Do you know why and what can I do?

p.s. If I run sudo apt-key list I get

pub rsa4096 2016-10-26 [SC] [expired: 2019-10-26]
1EEF B876 7D49 24B8 6EAD 08A4 59D7 00E4 D37F 5F19
uid [ expired] Neo4j Admins

Same result. Nothing you can do until they update the key. Maybe some one should set a calendar entry a few days prior to the new expiration date and take care of this proactively?

This has been fixed. To update:

wget -O - https://debian.neo4j.org/neotechnology.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add - or to update the apt keys list from the keyserver:
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keys.gnupg.net D37F5F19 01182252

Having the same issue, but key update is not working any more

W: GPG error: https://debian.neo4j.org stable/ Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 26C95CF201182252 Neo Technology Admins <admins@neotechnology.com>
gpg: key D37F5F19: "Neo4j Admins <admins@neotechnology.com>" not changed
gpg: key 01182252: "Neo Technology Admins <admins@neotechnology.com>" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 2
gpg:              unchanged: 2

the repo has switched to https://debian.neo4j.com - please use this one instead. It's also part of the docs for 4.0.