Apoc.trigger.add can't work with nested apoc.trigger.nodesbyLabel

I want to achieve a function which can set properties and create a realationship with the existed node when it is triggered by $createNodes params. but ,it seems don't work.
my code is as below:

call apoc.trigger.add('newMatch','unwind apoc.trigger.nodesByLabel($createdNodes,"物品") as node
match (m:可燃物:子类)
where m.name=node.name
set node.burnPoint=m.burnPoint,node.type=m.type
with node,m

The problem is when I use this to create a new node ,there is no property modified and relationship built.

This is my first time to request help in neo4j community, I am looking forward to be replied. :dotted_line_face: :dotted_line_face:


The problem is that apoc.trigger.nodesByLabel cannot be used together with $createdNodes.
it's supposed to be used with $assignedNode, assignedRelationshipProperties, $removedNode and $removedRelationshipProperties.

In fact, e.g. $assignedNode parameter is a Map<String, List<Node>>, where String is the label, and the function apoc.trigger.nodesByLabel just get the List<Node> to which the label has been assigned, and then you can unwind it.

Instead the $createdNodes parameter is already a List<Node>, therefore you can do directly the unwind.

This should work:

call apoc.trigger.add('newMatch','unwind $createdNodes as node
with node
where "物品" in labels(node)
match (m:可燃物:子类)
where m.name=node.name
set node.burnPoint=m.burnPoint,node.type=m.type
with node,m
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Thank you! It works and I understood the reason. :smile: