Just checking in to see if the latest version of APOC's apoc.schema.assert() procedure is compatible with Neo4j's capability to index relationship properties. Thank you in advance.
Here is an update:
Using the following graph:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mathbeveridge/gameofthrones/master/data/got-s1-edges.csv" as row
MERGE (s:Character{name:row.Source})
MERGE (t:Character{name:row.Target})
SET i.weight = toInteger(row.Weight)
Making apoc.schema.assert() call:
CALL apoc.schema.assert({INTERACTS:['weight']},{});ype or paste code here
Returned we get:
label key keys unique action
INTERACTS weight [weight] False CREATED
Which seems to be correct, until the relationship type: INTERACTS is interpreted as a node label:
id name state populationPercent uniqueness type entityType labelsOrTypes properties indexProvider
1 index_343aff4e ONLINE 100.0 NONUNIQUE LOOKUP NODE None None token-lookup-1.0
3 index_804fba7c ONLINE 100.0 NONUNIQUE BTREE NODE [INTERACTS] [weight] native-btree-1.0
2 index_f7700477 ONLINE 100.0 NONUNIQUE LOOKUP RELATIONSHIP None None token-lookup-1.0
QUESTION: is the Relationship property "weight" indexed?