apoc.path.expandConfig and apoc.algo.allSimplePaths,How to make results consistent

MATCH (start:Person {id: 8333}), (end:Person {id: 6597069814217})
CALL apoc.algo.allSimplePaths(start, end, null, 3) YIELD path
RETURN count(path);

MATCH (startNode:Person {id: 8333}), (endNode:Person {id: 6597069814217})
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(startNode, {
terminatorNodes: [endNode],
relationshipFilter: null,
minLevel: 1,
maxLevel: 3,
uniqueness: 'NODE_GLOBAL'
}) YIELD path
RETURN count(path);

How to make two apoc query results consistent with the same data,I've used different parameters and the results are never consistent