Hi dear Community,
yesterday I upgraded to Neo4j 4.0 and am still struggling with some bugs. One of them concerns the apoc.import.graphml procedure.
The aim: import a graphml file that is somewhere on my local machine. Particularly, it is NOT in the import folder of my Neo4j graph.
Before the upgrade I used to import my graphml by
CALL apoc.import.graphml( '/C:/Users/.../graph.graphml', {batchSize: 10000, readLabels: true, useTypes: true})
However, using the exact same file String as before after the update, I get the error: Failed to invoke procedure apoc.import.graphml
: Caused by: java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 2:
Now, I tried several ways of transforming the file location which gave me different errors:
''C:/Users/.../graph.graphml" (without leading '/') results in the error Failed to invoke procedure
: Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users....Neo4jDesktop\neo4jDatabases\database-69e88dd7-63b9-483d-8666-faa9171664e9\installation-4.0.1\import\Users...\graph.graphml -
"C://Users//...//graph.graphml" (using double '/') results in the error Failed to invoke procedure
: Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users....Neo4jDesktop\neo4jDatabases\database-69e88dd7-63b9-483d-8666-faa9171664e9\installation-4.0.1\import\Users...\graph.graphml -
"C:\Users...\graph.graphml" (using '\') results in the error Invalid input 's': expected four hexadecimal digits specifying a unicode character (line 1, column 32 (offset: 31))
From most of the errors, it seems to me that the APOC always tries to look into the import folder of my graph database. Does anyone know, if it is still possible to import graphml's from different locations than the import folder?
I appreciate every help. Thank you.