APOC function "apoc.refactor.rename.nodeProperty" with misleading example

Hi all,

I have been looking in the APOC function "apoc.refactor.rename.nodeProperty" and tried the shown example.

Running the example as it is, will result in changing the property "city" to "location" for every node, although it should only match the label DevRel.
Also, if you compare the creation of the nodes with the expected output, it is totally misleading. When creating the nodes, no nodes are labeled as "DevRel".

I've been also looking in the implementation of this rename function, and there it seems to be more clear: If no nodes are found for the match, it will just rename the property in every label containing this property, although in the example it tries to provide node. My expectation was, that no nodes will be changed, since in the example no nodes are labeled with "DevRel".

I'm right now not sure, if this is a feature and the documentation is just wrong/not on point or it is a bug in the APOC rename function.

I am using Neo4j version 5.9.0.


Edit: Giving the fact, how things are working with Cypher and the APOC rename nodeproperty function, I assume, that this is not a bug. Though, I would expected to make it more clear in the documentation, that it might be dangerous, if no nodes are matched (see wrong example), since this will change the whole database.