I am trying to use the apoc.do.when function to check if a node and its relationship existing
if parent doesn't then I want to create a new node and link it
If parent exists then I want to update/modify the child
This is not working for me to create, but works for modify. The following snippet would replicate this issue
//Create test data
CREATE (parent1:PARENT{parent_no:1,name:"dad1"})
CREATE (parent2:PARENT{parent_no:2,name:"dad2"})
CREATE (child1:CHILD{name:"child1"})
MERGE (parent1)-[r:PARENT_OF]->(child1)
RETURN parent1, parent2, child1
1. THE APOC Query is as follows: This correctly modifies the child node because
MATCH (parent:PARENT{name:"dad1"})
WITH elementId(parent) as parent_id
MATCH(parent) WHERE elementId(parent)= parent_id
MATCH (parent)-[relation:PARENT_OF]->(child:CHILD)
CALL apoc.do.when(
child is NULL,
'//when child is null
MATCH(parent) WHERE elementId(parent)= parent_id
CREATE (new_child:CHILD{name:"child1"})
set new_child.created=true
MERGE (parent) -[r:PARENT_OF]-> (new_child)
RETURN new_child as child, parent as parent, "created" as action',
'//when child is null
SET child.modified =true
RETURN child as child, parent as parent, "modified" as action',
// variables in the block
{parent_id:parent_id, parent:parent, child:child}
YIELD value
RETURN value.child, value.parent, value.action
I correctly get the result of child1, parent1, "modified" and child 1 has modified attribute
2. THE APOC Query when modified for dad2 should create another child1 node but I get no result , no error , no changes or records
MATCH (parent:PARENT{name:"dad2"})
WITH elementId(parent) as parent_id
MATCH(parent) WHERE elementId(parent)= parent_id
MATCH (parent)-[relation:PARENT_OF]->(child:CHILD)
CALL apoc.do.when(
child is NULL,
'//when child is null
MATCH(parent) WHERE elementId(parent)= parent_id
CREATE (new_child:CHILD{name:"child1"})
set new_child.created=true
MERGE (parent) -[r:PARENT_OF]-> (new_child)
RETURN new_child as child, parent as parent, "created" as action',
'//when child is null
SET child.modified =true
RETURN child as child, parent as parent, "modified" as action',
// variables in the block
{parent_id:parent_id, parent:parent, child:child}
YIELD value
RETURN value.child, value.parent, value.action
Thanks for any help / guidance