apoc.cypher.runFile not available although apoc.cypher.run is (Neo4J 5.7, apoc 5.7)

I have cypher files in my import folder which I would like to import using the neo4j browser. However,

CALL apoc.cypher.runFile("myfile.cypher");

gives me

There is no procedure with the name `apoc.cypher.runFile` registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed.

However, APOC 5.7.0 is installed and all the other apoc.cypher.run* procedures are available. I have also


in my neo4j.conf and


in my apoc.conf

Am I missing something?

Hello @boulanger :slight_smile:

Be aware that with Neo4j 5, there are now 2 APOC plugins:

The procedure CALL apoc.cypher.runFile("myfile.cypher"); is in APOC Extended.

Best regards,

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Aaah - thanks, I had not realized that. I have downloaded the plugin jar file and placed it into the plugin directory. Now the procedure is found!

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Why are there now two APOC plugins? I upgraded from Neo4j v4 to v5 and now a ton shit is breaking because it can't find like 1 or 2 apoc functions I was using. Ggggrrrrr

It’s in the extended jar

Core is supported by Neo4J, Extended will continue to only be supported by the community...