Apoc.custom got fully removed!?

I noticed that the the apoc.custom got completely removed from the apoc 5.10.1 version. I was wondering what would be the workaround for specifically apoc.custom.declareFunction. I am working on the HDBSCAN clustering from https://towardsdatascience.com/hdbscan-clustering-with-neo4j-57e0cec57560 and need a workaround for the below custom function.

call apoc.custom.asFunction('getLastCluster',
"MATCH (n) where id(n) = id($n)
WITH n MATCH clustPath = (n)-[:IN_CLUSTER*0..]->(c)
WITH clustPath order by length(clustPath) desc
RETURN nodes(clustPath)[-1] as lastCluster",
"Starting from a given node, get the node at the end of the longest path of IN_CLUSTER relationships")

Thank you so much in advance,

Looks like it is in the extended library.

Download the jar from here