Announcement: SemSpect Graph App Final Beta Test

Hi graph explorers,

Interested in test driving our final beta of SemSpect, a graph exploration and querying tool?
It comes as a Neo4j Graph App for Neo4j Desktop.

Since our first beta last year we have massively improved our Graph App management process. Give it a try!

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This is a particularly nice way to look at a large graph with many labels and relationships. It's useful on small graphs, too; but, really nice for large graphs.

I only noticed two things while trying it out. First, the Dossier frame has expand/collapse buttons on the left that overlap with the window scroll bar. Second, the popup icon to add a relationship to a labelled category can be a little tricky to grab.

I love that it's super fast and responsive. My big graph has several million nodes and tens of millions of relationships, yet the image response is practically immediate. The utility is intuitive and the interface is attractive/inviting.


Thanks for your positive feedback. Good to hear that it is useful to visualize and explore your million nodes graph!

Your notes about the scroll bar overlap as well as popup icon are on our backlog now.

Feel free to share more insights to your project or graph findings in case this is possible.

Hi Clarence,

Thanks for the feedback!

If your zoom factor mkaes it too tricky, you can right-click on the group or its label to open the context menu, the first entry has the same function as the expand icon.