Anne in Washington DC looking to learn as much as I can about Graphs and Bloom

Hello to everyone! I'm new to Neo4j and looking forward to learning what we can do with it in our startup. Thanks!


Other nodes in DC: @mckenzma @preston.hendrickson @david_allen @david.fauth

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Welcome to the Community @anne !

I am the GraphDB DC meetup organizer and a super nerdy graphista. Can you tell me more about how your startup is using Neo4j?

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to myself or anyone on this community. It is a great space to connect with others doing some great things.

Welcome again and hopefully will get to meet in person!


Hey Michael!

We're using it to build our prototype. Our focus is largely knowledge discovery. To that end, we plan on having a link and node representation on our front end and on making it searchable - so definitely interested in how people are approaching queries within Neo4j. We're also really interested in Bloom's functionality, what people are doing with it and how meshes with different dashboards to augment user queries.

And we plan on having multiple users input nodes and create links between them so any lessons the community has to share in standards, methods, or approaches for managing how multiple users input data and link it to different nodes would be great.

Are you going to be putting together any meetups on these areas in the near future?

Nice to meet you!


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My apologies for the delayed response. We are currently working on putting a presentation together based around the Panama Papers, but are always looking for more ideas.

I can keep that in mind as we continue to plan out future meetups.

Welcome again to the community.


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Also, if you are interested in doing a lightning talk about how you plan to use Neo4j, that could also be a good addition to any meetup. I would like to get more people to present on the projects they are working on, even if they aren't complete.