Allow user to Modify existing property values in forms/parameters

I'm attempting to use neodash as a rudimentary UI to add/modify data.
I feel that the parameters and forms is getting VERY close to providing this functionality.

One major feature I can't seem to figure out (or is missing) would be how to have a UI element that could show a value (like a text string for name or description) that would first display the existing value, and then allow the user to modify/replace the value.

Maybe another parameter option that says: Allow editing existing value (if exists).
So you could have a dropdown selector (like normal parameters use) - but maybe have a secondary cypher query that could select an existing value if it exists, and then change the UI for that paramter to an in-place text editor for the text.

The edit function could be configurable to allow either be free text OR select matches by cypher query (if you want to force only pre-existing options).

The optional cypher value could just be something that looks for if a property exists (I would see this may often be based on an existing parameter:

MATCH (n:Mynode {id:$neodash_active_selected_node})
RETURN coalesce(n.description,'default description') as value

Then if that query returned a MATCH then the resulting value would be in the box instead of the search value from the original parameter select query