"What is the objective of the WHERE clause in your query?"
i had may paths that repeated start or end node in path so searched in google and found this where in stackoverflow to prevent appearance of repeated nodes in path .
"Why don't you specify a relationship type?"
because i have 1 type of relationship just cable .
thanks a lot . it's working most of things i want . but it's not include joints node type in path and also it's returned just 1 path . i know between number of paths between this nodes is at least 6 .
edited : wanted to thank you pointed to expandConfig . reading documentation is helping a lot to underestand what you wrote .
lo_id : 69 -> jo_id : 275 -> lo_id : 70 -> lo_id : 489
lo_id : 69 -> jo_id : 275 -> lo_id : 70 -> lo_id : 486 -> lo_id : 489
this query just using location type nodes . not joints . and i said at least 6 paths in the way ( it was 1 path )
The node jo_id 275 has a relation with lo_id 70 but it's not in the right direction. Do you want do have directed path or you don't care about the direction?
I advice to use the direction or you will have the same original issue. What is the use case at the end?
i don't care about direction i just care about connection between nodes . i was used allShortestPath and it was bidirectional but i couldn't resolve all possible path from that . is it possible to make it happen in this way or should we make double cable relationship between nodes in both direction to prevent this problem ?
i can make the cable from/to this joint but the database will have data redundancy and half of relationship data is just for prevent a simple problem .